6 Easy Ways To Get Healthy And Change Your Life Right Now!

As promised, I will be sharing my healthy living guide with you for the next 4 weeks. This is not just going to be about what I am eating, but also about busting some myths about food that are currently going around, as well as sharing all round general health tips. Having a healthy body and mind is not just about food and exercise, there are many other things you can do!

Now as you know, I am not one for hitting the gym or restricting myself to eating only raw vegan food! However there is something everyone can do to generally improving their health just by making small manageable changes. Remember, it’s all about elephant sandwiches 😉 (basically, you would never be able to eat a whole elephant! So break it down into bitesize pieces!).

I challenge you to make one positive change a day. Here are some examples of what you can start to introduce into your life over the next 4 weeks.

Imagine how different your life could be in 4 weeks if you introduce just 1 new habit every day?  Continue reading

Get Healthy With Me!

So, after this awful month of being poorly (yes I’m milking it) I have decided to take a look at my diet and general health and do a 4 week health kick.

I know from the past how much a healthy body can aid a healthy mind, I have witnessed it on a personal level many times, and due to stress of everything going on, I have let me eating habits become worse.

I have always been interested in nutrition. I even became a Herbalife coach for a while because I have always wanted to help people and felt I could help them get healthy. After discovering the darker side to network marketing, I swiftly hung up my scales, but what Herbalife did teach me is that I had the ability to put my mind to something outside normal parameters in terms of a career. It was a spring board to what I am doing now and hope to be doing in the future: to coach and mentor others to living a life away from nettle health problems.

Anyway, having learnt an awful lot about nutrition through my own research, I’m pretty well versed on what we truly should ad shouldn’t put in our bodies.

Over the next few days I’ll start putting up some photos of what food and lifestyle choices I have made including some information about nutrition, facts, myths etc.

Enjoy 🙂 xx

Back To Healthy Eating

Morning all! For the past few weeks my diet has been AWFUL. Too much wine and wayyyy too much sugar (but what would life be like without a little fun eh?)

As you know, I feel that a healthy body helps to maintain a healthy mind, so it is always important to me after a time of gluttonous overeating, to do a bit of a detox and eat clean.

So I have started my morning off with this shake!

Green Smoothie


  • 1 small Banana 
  • 1/2 Beetroot 
  • 1/2 Celery Stick 
  • 1/2 an Apple
  • Handful of Frozen Cherries
  • Cup of Kale
  • 5 Brazil nuts (to counteract the chemicals in Kale)
  • Tsp Almond Meal
  • Tsp Organic Coconut Oil 
  • Tsp Flaxseed
  • 1/2 Tsp of Spirulina (devils food but super super healthy)

Topped up with Rice Milk to about half way.

Hope you all have a fabulous day!!

Dani xx

Healthy Body = Healthy(er) Mind. Smoothie Recipe.

One big game changer in terms of my mental health, was when I started looking after my body. I was always slim as a child but when I was 15 I was put on the pill due to severe acne, and I put on a lot of weight. It was put down to just ‘becoming a woman’ (as the pill doesn’t actually make you gain weight…yeh ok), but already suffering with anxiety at this point, it wasn’t hard to turn my anger and hatred on to my body when it started changing. It didn’t look like these images in the magazines, so that to me it was just something else that didn’t make me ‘normal’. My weight didn’t regulate until I came off the pill when I was 21 (funny that!) but before that I literally tried everything to lose the weight I’d gained, even resorting to throwing up after I ate for a couple of years.

Continue reading

Nature Is My Therapy!

Whenever I’m outside with nature, I feel so at peace and centred. The space and time to think mean I now take a dictaphone (well an app on my iPhone) with me and just talk to myself as I walk! We don’t get a lot of sun in the UK so I try to get out into the sunshine as much as possible – especially as I am prone to SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder) and usually spend this time of year wanting to hibernate, so keep giving me that sun!

There are not many things so pure and natural that can help lift you out of the fog that builds in your mind, be it self doubt or uncertainty about the future; Its like nature’s own little guided meditation and I always come back with clarity and full of ideas! I absolutely hate exercise and will do anything to avoid the gym, but I think it’s important to do something active to keep a healthy body to endorse a healthy mind also; I don’t think you can fully have one without the other. And so as one of my many rituals that I am incorporating into my daily, weekly and/or monthly routines, I’ll endeavour to continue to go out as often as possible. No matter how much the lazy bum inside me is screaming that she’d rather stay in the office with a cup of coffee! Surely these pictures prove it’s worth it – there really is nothing like feeling literally on top of the World!

Countryside Walk

Nature Walk