Why Other’s Project Their Fears On To Us

When I started on this journey to become self-employed I knew that one the hardest things to deal with would be other people’s opinions on what I was doing. I knew that the road I was about to embark on would strike a chord of fear amongst many because I was doing the opposite of everything we’ve been taught that would lead to a ‘successful’ life.  Fighting against a lifetime of education aimed to do one thing, is not easy.

I knew that to realise my dream I would need to surround myself with people who were a positive influence. People who encouraged and believed in my dream rather than those who would project their own fears on to me in an attempt to be down to earth. To be rational. But why does this fear exist?


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Please Help My Friend Achieve His Dream!

Morning all! I am huge advocate of helping people turn their passions into real life earning potential and massively respect those who take the risk of achieving their dreams. On this note, please let me introduce to you my friend Anthony, a very talented film-maker.

I met Anthony 10 years ago at uni and we have been friends ever since. I have watched his passion and drive develop as he has unwaveringly followed his heart into doing what he loves. Making movies. It has been a great inspiration to witness. He is currently in the midst of creating his new film, On The Run and needs your help! Here he tells us a bit more about his dream:


I don’t think there is any circumstance where achieving your dreams is easy. I am trying to complete my 2nd feature-length movie on a nothing budget. It sounds impossible, and looking back at making our first film, it was. I had to ask friends to act for the first time for free, cover them in fake blood, make them speak with dodgy accents, borrow their houses/apartments, and utilise every single piece of resource I could think of. Continue reading