Wasted Weekend Being Poorly :(

You may have noticed I’ve been very MIA this weekend. Well, I’ve been ill. Again. I have spent nearly the whole of May being ill. Not sure if that’s just a bad coincidence or if it has to do with the sheer amount of stress and anxiety I’ve been experiencing over the past few months, but I fear it’s another ‘body taking over so I’m forced to chill’ thing. I’m not sleeping because every time I drift off I have a coughing fit. I had a whole weekend of stuff planned and couldn’t do any of it and now my anxiety over things I need to do has spiked.

The way it feels when I’m overwhelmed is like there’s so much in my head that is worrying me or needs to be done and it feels too much. I start ruminating and stressing – essentially I’m afraid I’ll forget something or run out of time or both. 

So I’m taking the emotion out of the action and will be spending my day planning, making lists: putting my thoughts on to paper thereby removing them from my mind and hopefully alleviating the anxiety.

Who doesn’t love a good plan of action!

I’m such a geek. 

11 thoughts on “Wasted Weekend Being Poorly :(

  1. I’m a list freak as you know, but it really does help getting the mind into some form of order by making lists of everything that needs doing. The only thing you should not do is make a timetable for what you have to carry out. Just take a look at the list when you feel you can do something at that moment and do what feels the best in your current form. And when it’s done draw a nice thick line through it. The feeling so satisfaction really builds you up, makes you feel that you have accomplished something, no matter what it is. πŸ™‚ It really works. xx


  2. Making lists is a very helpful method of getting it out of your head/heart and onto paper… so is taking care of yourself… I am with Miusho… Delegate πŸ™‚ I wish to hear about a happy bride on her wedding day, not a poor lass who crashed from being overwhelmed… Love, Hugs, and Healing Thoughts/Prayers for you dear one…

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  3. If you don’t think you can handle it all on your own.. Just delegate! There is NO need to feel guilty! I’d help you out if I could but I’m too far away and i’m already harassing my fiancΓ© with things to do. πŸ˜›

    You’ll be fine, just stop, take a step back, overview what to do, take the important ones, delegate some others. You can do it but that doesn’t mean you have to do it on your own. ❀

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