Please Note – I Have Moved!

The time has come my lovelies, I have finally got my own domain name and moved my site! Sadly this means you won’t get any update email if you are following me through wordpress 😦 If you would like to continue to receive email notifications, please visit my new site and subscribe!

See you on the other side!

Dani xx

Please Note – I Have Moved!

The time has come my lovelies, I have finally got my own domain name and moved my site! Sadly this means you won’t get any update email if you are following me through wordpress 😦 If you would like to continue to receive email notifications, please visit my new site and subscribe!

See you on the other side!

Dani xx

Wasted Weekend Being Poorly :(

You may have noticed I’ve been very MIA this weekend. Well, I’ve been ill. Again. I have spent nearly the whole of May being ill. Not sure if that’s just a bad coincidence or if it has to do with the sheer amount of stress and anxiety I’ve been experiencing over the past few months, but I fear it’s another ‘body taking over so I’m forced to chill’ thing. I’m not sleeping because every time I drift off I have a coughing fit. I had a whole weekend of stuff planned and couldn’t do any of it and now my anxiety over things I need to do has spiked.

The way it feels when I’m overwhelmed is like there’s so much in my head that is worrying me or needs to be done and it feels too much. I start ruminating and stressing – essentially I’m afraid I’ll forget something or run out of time or both. 

So I’m taking the emotion out of the action and will be spending my day planning, making lists: putting my thoughts on to paper thereby removing them from my mind and hopefully alleviating the anxiety.

Who doesn’t love a good plan of action!

I’m such a geek. 

New Mile Stone And A Massive Thank You!!

Firstly, and most pressingly, this awesome little blogger wrote the most wonderful and beautiful little post about me. Such amazing kindness ‘just because’ has made me (almost) speechless so a massive thank you to you miusho for doing something that’s really made a difference to me today 🙂

Secondly, and most definitely due to the first point, I have reached a new milestone!

The blogging world is such an amazing supportive community, something I never really imagined when I started back in February and I would like to take this opportunity to tell all of you how incredibly honoured I am to be walking on this Unmarked Road with you.

Thank you for never letting me walk it alone.

Dani xx

When The Mind Doesn’t Listen, And The Body Takes Over

Hello everyone!!! I am back (and hopefully with a bang!)

For those of you who don’t know. I’ve spent the past few weeks in Germany with my family. My godmother is currently surviving colon cancer and staying with her is always extra special. As a German I am considered short at 1 meter 62 (both my sisters are 6 feet tall!) and I always get treated as the baby; which I absolutely LOVE because I can just relax and be a little bit spoiled for a few days.

However. Even though I needed the time off, I had every intention of doing some work on the sly while I was away. Not touching the blog just made me too anxious. As my godmother doesn’t have wi-fi, I knew it would be difficult. But I didn’t realise quite how hard it would be! The first few days felt like I was withdrawing from a drug! I realised how much I had become addicted to checking my stats, with keeping in touch with my readers. Just everything internet. It was horrible to realise this, even more so when I visited my older sister and nephews and the first thing I wanted to do was get online, to check in and ensure people weren’t forgetting about me. I rescheduled a couple of old posts which did well, and being in Germany and talking about my father inspired the article about his death.

But apparently I needed a break more than I realised. Needless to say, my body took over and for almost the entire time I was in Germany, I was ill. It started with tonsillitis and then the infection spread to my chest. I spent every night having a coughing fit the minute I managed to drift off to sleep, and so during the day I was too tired to do anything but chill out with my family.

I have concluded then that my body decided enough really was enough. That I needed proper time out, a proper break from the site, from the wedding planning – from my own head even.

I had been feeling disconnected and feeling a need to recover emotionally (which I thought I had somewhat). But I didn’t realise quite how far I’d slipped. How much I’d been living on a constant level of stress and anxiety.

My body physically stopped me being able to do anything mentally. And it was exactly what I needed.

I feel completely new. Like a snake shedding its old skin, I have risen from the ashes and am revelling in feeling ‘like me’ again. The trick now is to not allow anyone or anything from disturbing this new inner peace I have rediscovered.

With 5 1/2 weeks to go before the wedding, moving out and travelling it’ll be a challenge! But I feel finally strong enough to deal with it head on; I just hope everyone in my life right now will make things as easy as possible for me!

The 3 Minute Memoirs – Quick Hello!

Hi guys! Sorry It’s not embedded. Hope you’re able to watch it through the link. Strangely I am missing you all, even thought I don’t know you personally, I have become accustomed to this little world we’re all a part of.

All my love

Dani xx

2 Week Hiatus

Hello my gorgeous, wonderful, amazing readers!

This is just a quick update to let you know I am in Germany visiting my family and have limited internet. I am going to take this time to recoup a little too. Please don’t worry, I will be back! I will try and post a few 3 Minute Memoirs and maybe even some pics to show you my home town, but please accept my sincerest apologies if I’m not able to read all your blog posts 😦

I get about 500 emails a day with new blog posts so I can’t promise to catch up with them all but I will do my best!

Lots of love and hope you’re all well.

Thank you for understanding 🙂

Dani xx

15 Amazing, Incredible And Hilarious Facts About…

… Meeee (um obviously!)

So, last month I wrote an About Me page with some rather funny and interesting facts about me. Now, I don’t think many of you have seen this page, because, well let’s be honest – it’s hilarious, and if more people had seen it I would have WAY more comments and likes on it right?

But I get it. You like the convenience of the posts turning up in your email inbox, clicking on the new post and clicking off again. Hey I do too! There’s no shame in admitting it.

I have therefore decided today to give you the honour of bringing this information right to your doorstep (I’m nice like that 😉 )

For those who ‘think’ they have read my about me page… look again.

So here goes:

  1. I don’t really like people. I want to live in the middle of nowhere, on a lake, surrounded by nothing but nature. Away from the dull and shallow crap that seems to give everyone else so much joy.
  2. I’m not keen on change. It makes me anxious…
  3. But not half as much as staying still does! I cannot stand feeling ‘stagnant’. There is too much to explore, too much life to live to stay in the same place. You might say I have itchy feet.
  4. This year, is the year of the big 3-0. But this doesn’t scare me half as much as turning 25 did (quarter life crisis anyone?)
  5. I am also getting married in July (5 days before I leave my 20s behind!)
  6. And then we go travelling for 3 months…See. Itchy feet.
  7. I am THE clumsiest person in the world, to the point I used to have to drink out of a water bottle at work in order to safeguard the company’s property against my spillages.
  8. I wear my heart on my sleeve and get hurt often…but I wouldn’t have it any other way as it’s how I’ve met some of the most amazing people in my life!
  9. I dream of emigrating to a hot country. I love the changing seasons but every year I feel the lack of sun draining me like a battery. My shine (because I’m a Star dahhling) needs charging up!
  10. My worst quality is that I think I’m funny when I’m not (curse of being German).
  11. My best quality is that I am hilarious (obviously…)
  12. In my opinion the worst quality in someone is lying – we all make mistakes; only cowards have to lie.
  13. The best quality is loyalty. Something I’ve learned is very hard to find!
  14. I studied Law and wanted to be a solicitor. It didn’t work out. But there is a reason for that. I was meant for other things 😉

And last but certainly not least….(drumroll please)

I am more excited about having kittens than I am about having children. I’d like both, but when my fiancé talks about getting me a kitten, I make this really high-pitched screech of excitement that can only be heard by dogs, ironically. Also, cats keep away spiders. Children don’t.

But I promise it’s not as bad as this

Ok, I Get The Message!

About a month ago I changed my site around to having a proper homepage and my blog posts within the ‘blog’ header. It appears I may have made a mistake!

April has been truly awful in terms of stats. I’m too embarrassed to even tell you how low the average number of views has been.

It’s a bit disheartening of course, but I’m not one to take it lying down! I WILL get my site out there, whether people want it to or not 😉

Thank you to all those who do continuously visit. You are noticed and much loved ❤

Dani xx

Spring Has Sprung!

Hen party over, American friends moved on; time to get back to work! Today is planning day. I’ve spoken before about nature being my therapy so I took the opportunity with the weather being so gorgeous, to go for walk and enjoy some natural sun recharge. Spring has finally started! Enjoy the pics 🙂 xx






