15 Amazing, Incredible And Hilarious Facts About…

… Meeee (um obviously!)

So, last month I wrote an About Me page with some rather funny and interesting facts about me. Now, I don’t think many of you have seen this page, because, well let’s be honest – it’s hilarious, and if more people had seen it I would have WAY more comments and likes on it right?

But I get it. You like the convenience of the posts turning up in your email inbox, clicking on the new post and clicking off again. Hey I do too! There’s no shame in admitting it.

I have therefore decided today to give you the honour of bringing this information right to your doorstep (I’m nice like that 😉 )

For those who ‘think’ they have read my about me page… look again.

So here goes:

  1. I don’t really like people. I want to live in the middle of nowhere, on a lake, surrounded by nothing but nature. Away from the dull and shallow crap that seems to give everyone else so much joy.
  2. I’m not keen on change. It makes me anxious…
  3. But not half as much as staying still does! I cannot stand feeling ‘stagnant’. There is too much to explore, too much life to live to stay in the same place. You might say I have itchy feet.
  4. This year, is the year of the big 3-0. But this doesn’t scare me half as much as turning 25 did (quarter life crisis anyone?)
  5. I am also getting married in July (5 days before I leave my 20s behind!)
  6. And then we go travelling for 3 months…See. Itchy feet.
  7. I am THE clumsiest person in the world, to the point I used to have to drink out of a water bottle at work in order to safeguard the company’s property against my spillages.
  8. I wear my heart on my sleeve and get hurt often…but I wouldn’t have it any other way as it’s how I’ve met some of the most amazing people in my life!
  9. I dream of emigrating to a hot country. I love the changing seasons but every year I feel the lack of sun draining me like a battery. My shine (because I’m a Star dahhling) needs charging up!
  10. My worst quality is that I think I’m funny when I’m not (curse of being German).
  11. My best quality is that I am hilarious (obviously…)
  12. In my opinion the worst quality in someone is lying – we all make mistakes; only cowards have to lie.
  13. The best quality is loyalty. Something I’ve learned is very hard to find!
  14. I studied Law and wanted to be a solicitor. It didn’t work out. But there is a reason for that. I was meant for other things 😉

And last but certainly not least….(drumroll please)

I am more excited about having kittens than I am about having children. I’d like both, but when my fiancé talks about getting me a kitten, I make this really high-pitched screech of excitement that can only be heard by dogs, ironically. Also, cats keep away spiders. Children don’t.

But I promise it’s not as bad as this

The 3 Minute Memoirs – I’m So Excited!

Time is flying by and I am getting so excited!!! Can you tell?

Can Ignoring How You Feel Help You Achieve Your Long Term Goals?

You may have noticed a lack of posts lately, maybe even a bit of a disconnection with me, its author.

A few weeks ago, I posted a vlog about how to let go of anger, in which I talked about the mountain of stress that had been coming my way. I also spoke about how my emotions and coping mechanisms seem to shut down in order to manage the overwhelming pressure I put myself under. It is like my mind is saying, “ENOUGH, I need a break!”

You see, on top of building this site in order to start living my soul purpose (which as all you bloggers know, is a lot more work than just posting an article every now and then), I’ve also been planning a wedding, started a life-coaching course, am organising a 3 months travelling excursion as part of our honeymoon, and am writing a book (well, I’ve kind of started 3…). We’re also moving out of our house a week before we get married and I’m trying to do all the housework because I feel so guilty over not earning any money.

And I have given myself a timeframe of 4 months.

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Vlog Diary Entry #5 – Letting Go Of Anger

Well it was about time for another video diary! Like writing, I can’t force them so I’m sorry it’s taken such a long time for me to post another.

Last week was so stressful that I felt myself shutting down. My body and mind does this to protect itself and until I am able to process what is happening in my own time, if I am pushed and forced out of that ‘quiet’ state for example, I get angry.

In this video I talk about what has caused this anger, such as my need to people please, and also how I deal with it so it doesn’t control me or do any damage to myself in the way it used to.

Thank you for watching 🙂

More videos:

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – Alcoholism

Each week I will be publishing a piece from the A-Z of my personal life experiences to show exactly what my knowledge on each of the topic I have listed is. This article will be split into three parts that cover different aspects of my experience.


First off, I am not an alcoholic. My experience with alcoholism comes in the form of having witnessed a violent alcoholic take out his issues on my mother’s face and body. While this post isn’t about domestic abuse specifically, it is inextricably linked, because whilst there are devastating physical side-effects on a person with alcoholism, it is the lasting damage done to everyone who comes in contact with them that lives on.


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Are You With The Right Person?

Today in 5 months I marry my best friend and soul mate to become Mrs J! I am so excited and happy. I still can’t believe my luck that I have found my perfect match, a piece of the puzzle of my life that fits perfectly, joining our two pictures together.

I have had my share of unsuccessful relationships. Always intense, always serious and ultimately when they ended it was messy, painful and life changing. But I don’t believe that people are bad. I just believe in bad fits, and in weaknesses that don’t match strengths. I’ve been cheated on, treated like I wasn’t a priority and had my heart-broken. Am I bitter? Absolutely not!

None of the men I was with before were right for me, just as I wasn’t right for them.

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