Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – Cannabis

I have written about my experience with alcoholism and alcohol in general, so now on to the 3rd part of my experience on this topic:

Drug Abuse – Cannabis

Being seriously anti-alcohol until l was 18, drugs of any kind weren’t even on my radar. Drugs were for homeless degenerates right? There would never be a time in my life in which I would come into contact with them. Or so I thought.


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Alcoholism And Drug Abuse – Binge Drinking

I wrote earlier this week about my experience with alcoholism and how at the hands of an alcoholic my little sister and I watched our mother at the mercy of his violence. My view of alcohol was, understandably, very negative and when my class-mates all started underage drinking in town at 15, I stayed in watching movies. Then I turned 18 and started University…


I have always been terrified of strangers. Be it because of the bullying, or just my general shyness, there was never a time that meeting new people didn’t fill me with dread akin only to my fear of extreme heights!

I spent my first week at university in my room, alone, crying.

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Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – Alcoholism

Each week I will be publishing a piece from the A-Z of my personal life experiences to show exactly what my knowledge on each of the topic I have listed is. This article will be split into three parts that cover different aspects of my experience.


First off, I am not an alcoholic. My experience with alcoholism comes in the form of having witnessed a violent alcoholic take out his issues on my mother’s face and body. While this post isn’t about domestic abuse specifically, it is inextricably linked, because whilst there are devastating physical side-effects on a person with alcoholism, it is the lasting damage done to everyone who comes in contact with them that lives on.


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The A-Z Of My Life Experiences

I wrote earlier this week about my intentions with the new section on my site. I’m starting to formulate the different parts that will populate the various pages, but to show you what to expect, here’s an A-Z list of my personal experiences, although it is worth noting that not all have happened to me directly! But you’ll realise that in the coming weeks as I start to public each story.

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse


Cutting and other forms of Self Harm


Eating Disorders

Fear of Failure

General Anxiety Disorder

Health and Nutrition

Intrusive/Obsessive Thoughts and Rumination

Job Dissatisfaction

Knowing Yourself

Loss of Family and Friends

Mood Swings

Nervous Breakdowns

Overdosing and Suicidal Tendencies

Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) Quietening the Mind

Relationships and Love

Social Anxiety

Therapy and Counselling Urges to engage in Harmful Behaviour, such as Dermatillomania/Excoriation Disorder Violence (Domestic) Working from Home

XYZero – Couldn’t think of anything for these pesky three little letters. I attempted at being humorous (putting Zebra for Z) but then realised it wasn’t that funny. 🙂

Thank you for reading! xx